How to Add Homebridge to Google Home ? GSH Plugin

Homebridge is an open-source platform. In 2024, Smart Home automation plays a major role in everyone’s daily life. To automate every brand of smart device on Google Home directly is so difficult. So we are using the Homebridge as a bridge to connect and automate the smart device on Google Home or Google Assistant. So here, we provide the ideas as a guide regarding the Homebridge to Google Home.

How to Add Homebridge to Google Home ?

Does Homebridge work with Google Home?

Yes, You can use the Homebridge software with Google Home for smart home automation. Homebridge GSH is used for integrating Smart home devices. In addition, to get the brief details related to the installation and integration of Homebridge GSH for smart home automation – use the guide. Before starting the process, ensure that you have a stable network connection. Because the setup process of the Homebridge will be done quickly only if you have a high-speed network.

How to install Homebridge for smart Home automation? Google Home

Here we provide the installation process of Homebridge for different platforms to automate the smart devices. Moreover, you can choose any one of the platform to link the homebridge with platform. In addition, you can choose the Docker, Windows, or Raspberry PI for automating the devices on Google Home.

Homebridge for Google Home – Available Platforms

You can install the Homebridge software on various platforms such as;

  • Raspberry PI
  • Linux
  • Windows
  • MacOS
  • Android
  • Intel Edison
  • Docker and more. 

You can install the Homebridge in Any of the platforms to automate the smart home products.

Install Homebridge to Google Home – Homebridge on Raspberry PI

If you are choosing the Raspberry PI platform for installing the Homebridge to automate the smart home devices – Make sure that you have the below requirements;

  • Terminal app.
  • Raspberry PI OS, ubuntu, or other Debian-based OS.
  • Supported architectures
    1. armhf (armv6 / armv7) – 32 bit
    2. aarch64 (arm64) – 64 bit.

You can get the Raspberry PI in both online and offline stores. Then, you should integrate the Raspberry Pi with your system. Once you fulfill all the prerequisites for installing Homebridge on Raspberry PI. Then, let’s start the Installation process;

  • First Open the Terminal app on your device and add the Homebridge repository to get the GPG key and System source.
    The code for adding the repository is: 
    1. curl -sSfL | sudo gpg –de armor | sudo tee /usr/share/keyrings/homebridge.gpg > /dev/null
    2. echo “deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/homebridge.gpg] stable main” | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/homebridge.list > /dev/null
  • Then install the Homebridge platform and update the repository. So from the terminal app;
    1. Update Repository: sudo apt-get update.
    2. Install Homebridge: sudo apt-get install Hombridge.

That’s it the installation process will be over. Once you have done all the procedures – You will get the web interface of Homebridge. If not enter the IP address of your server and get the Interface of Homebridge on your device. Then, log in with your credentials and then add the smart home device to automate the non-compatible device on Google Home. To know, how to add a smart device on Homebridge for the Google Home app? scroll down.

Add Homebridge to Google Home via Docker:

Docker is one of the best platforms that acts as the middleman for automating the smart home devices on Homebridge and Google Home. Docker is an open platform where you can use these interfaces for automating the Smart home devices on Homebridge. So first,

  • Install the Docker on your device.
  • Support architectures are –
    1. amd64
    2. arm32v6
    3. arm64v8.

If you have these prerequisites, then install the Homebridge using the Docker compse. So you should create docker-compose– yml and compose up.

  • docker run –net=host –name=homebridge -v $(pwd)/homebridge:/homebridge homebridge/homebridge:latest

That’s it. Now you can get the Homebridge interface on your device for smart home automation.

These are the methods to install the Homebridge on your device. Once you get the Homebridge UI – install the Google GSH easily for automating the smart home devices.

NOTE: All the code and references are taken from Github. 

How to Integrate Homebridge to Google Home?

Once you install the Homebridge software on your computer, you can integrate all the non-compatible devices of Google Home with Homebridge and automate it. So for automating the smart home devices on the Google Home app using the Homebridge software- the guide is for You!

Install Homebridge GSH on the Platform:

How to add Homebridge to Google Home

  • Open Homebridge interface >> tap on plugins >> search for homebridge gsh >> Install it. Or else
  • From the “homebridge-config-ui-x” >> install homebridge-gsh.

Once the installation process is completed, you should configure it.

Configure Homebridge to Google Home:

For configuration, you should navigate the plugin page >> search for the Google Home>> click on install>> tap on link account >> choose the Google account or Github account >> Then, confirm the local host. That’s it, once you link the GSH with the local host, then click on the save option.

Connect Homebridge on the Google Home app:

Once you link the Homebridge with the local host, then you can automate any devices of Homebridge on the Google Home App. To get the Homebridge device on the Google Home app,

How to add Homebridge to Google Home

  • Add setup option>> choose the works with Google option
  • Then, search for homebridge in the Google Home app.
  • Next, tap on Homebridge and it will automatically be redirected to the link page.
  • Click the link to the account
  • Choose Google or Github.
  • Then, wait for a few seconds.

You will get back into the Homepage of the Google Home app. Then, search the homebridge device on the Google Home app, and you will get that device with routines on screen. So to get the Homebridge device on Screen – you should set up the smart home accessory with Homebridge.

What device can connect with Homebridge to Google Home?

Literally, you can connect any smart home device with Homebridge to Google Home. Once you connect the smart devices with Homebridge- You can automate those devices on Google home app or Google Assistant. Moreover, you can connect hundreds of brands with Homebridge for smart home automation. The supported devices for Google Home apps are

  • Switch, Outlet, temperature sensor, security system, Door, Garage door, Windows, Window covering, air Purifier, Vaccums, locks, cameras, and more. 

How to add smart home devices with Homebridge?

Adding smart home devices with homebridge is one of the best options to automate it on Google Home. But you should connect your smart home devices to Homebridge to automate it on the Home app or Google Assistant. So to add a smart device with Homebridge,

  • Open the Homebridge software.

Homebridge to Google Home

  • Select Plugins
  • Search for the smart devices
  • Tap on the particular plugin and install it.
  • Then, enter the credentials and save it.

Finally, refresh the homebridge Interface. That’s all about adding the Smart Home device with Homebridge.

Use packages: Homebridge to Google Home

Yes, you can use the different packages to automate the device. The homebridge GSH is one of the main packages. This package will be the head of all automations. You can automate any device using the Homebridge GSH package-  that is connected to the Homebridge on the Google Home app or Google Assistant. Apart from this, you can get the packages like

  • sinricpro

  • homebridge-gsh-Kazarian

  • touch wand-google

  • homebridge-chromecast-google-tv

  • google-nest

  • homebridge-google-http-temperature-sensor

  • Google-nest-sdm.

Is Homebridge free to use? Homebridge to Google Home

Yes, Homebridge is free to use. Homebridge is open-source software – You can install it on many platforms like Raspberry PI, windows, macOS, linux, and more. You can integrate the smart devices with the Google Home app using the Homebridge software. Homebridge supports all automation platforms like Apple Homekit, Google Home, and more.

Running Your Server

You can use the Homebridge for free. It runs on many platforms. All you need is Node.js and terminal apps for commands. In recent, Homebrigde has offered a Flash Homebridge. This helps you to get the Homebridge in the SD card. Yeah, it’s a pre-made Raspberry PI image. You will get the homebridge on Raspberry once you Flashed it. You will get homebridge and run it within minutes.

Final Words

I hope this guide helps you to integrate and automate the Homebridge smart device on the Google Home app or Google Assistant. These, integrations may get change, So refer to the Github platform for the latest integration and configure it for Smart Home automation. Therefore, if you have any doubts related to this article, just use the comment section.

Frequently Asked Question

1. What is the Default Homebridge port?

Yes, there is a default Homebridge port. You can access it by entering the Password and Username as admin. This Homebridge can be accessed through a web browser on port 8581.

2. How to install Homebridge on Raspberry PI? 

Installing Homebridge on Raspberry PI is one of the easiest methods to automate the Smart home devices on the Google Home app or Google Assistant. There are two methods, 1. Use Flash SD card and 2. use the Hardware using the system requirements.

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