How to use Google Home for PC ?

How to use Google Home for PC? Still wondering about this topic? Don’t worry. This article helps you to get the full details of Google Home for PC. Before starting the process of integrating the Google Home with PC – ensure that you have a stable network connection. Here, we provide an idea to use Google Home for PC by following different methods like using the Web Home app. Along with that, use alternative ways for automating the smart home using a PC. Scroll down and get the ideas of Smart home automation on PC.

How to use Google Home for PC ?

Can you use Google Home App on a PC?

Yes, you can connect and automate the Google Home with a PC. Google Home includes both the home website app and the Google Home device (speakers). So, here we provide the integration process for automating the smart devices in the PC. Before that, verify that you have a stable network connection.

How to connect Google Home for PC?

You can use the Google Home web app on your PC. Before that you should fulfill the prerequisites for connecting the Google Home web app to PC and it’s mentioned below.

  • You should have a PC.
  • Install the Nest app and Google app.
  • Create a Nest and a  Google account.
  • Make sure your smart device is already integrated with the Google app.
  • Most importantly – You should have the WebRTC and Media source extensions on your Browser.

These are the main requirements – That you should have to use the Google Home from any computer. Once you have all these requirements, connect Google Home to your PC using the procedure below.

  • Turn on the PC.
  • Navigate to browsers like Google Chrome etc.

How to use Google Home for PC

  • Then, search for
  • Sign in with your Google Home account credentials. (You should use the same credentials used on the Google Home app).

That’s it. Now you can view the cameras and other smart devices with the Google web app.

NOTE: Don’t use the Internet Explorer Browser. Because the Google Web Home app doesn’t support it. 

Other ways to use the Google Home for PC

You can use any model of PC to connect it on Google Home. If you not able to connect the PC with Google Home directly, just try the alternative ways.

Use Android Emulator – Google Home app for PC

You can use the Google Home for PC using the Android emulator. Yes, you should use the Android emulator for Windows and it helps to get Android apps like Google Home on your PC. Android emulators like,

  • Bluestacks.
  • Android studio.
  • PrimeOS. 
  • MuMu Player and more

You can choose any of these platforms as an Android emulator to get Google Home on PC.

Use the cast option for Google Home app for PC

To stream the Google Home app on the big screen. You can use the cast option to stream any platform on the big screen. Furthermore, you can use any brand of mobile for the method. You can use the default screen mirror option or else use the screen mirror apps for casting any videos, audio, and more on PC. Here, we provide a direct way to screen mirror the mobile contents on a PC.

So you should enable the feature on PC – From the PC>> Go to settings >> search for projecting to PC >> add optional features>> select wireless display>>  save changes. 

Next, from the PC settings >> search for Projecting to the PC >> choose Launch the connect app to Project to the PC. At the same time enable the Wifi on your Android device. Search for the screen mirror or cast option on your mobile device. Then, follow the on-screen prompts. Finally, tap on the share option. Now, the mobile screen will be on the PC. In addition, get the Google Home on PC using the casting option.

So these are the alternative ways to Get Google Home for PC. If you try these ideas, then you can get the Google Home on PC.

Must Read:5 Best Ways to Add Tesla to Google Home

Can I automate smart devices on Google Home using a PC?

No, You can’t automate any smart home devices on the web Google Home app using a PC. You can only view and run the routines. Those routines will be already created on the Google Smart Home app using the mobile device. You can’t create it on a PC. But you can create the automation using the Script editor for the web Google Home app on PC. So, therefore, You can’t create the automation directly on the Google web app. But. you can create the automation using the script editor for Google Home app in PC. To know more about automation, use their official site. To create these automation files you should need the basic programming languages.

NOTE: You probably cannot automate other devices on the Google Home app via PC.But you can use a Smart Switch and Automate your PC on the Google Home app – Turn ON/OFF your PC .

Can I use PC speaker for Smart Home Automation?

Yes, you can use the PC speaker for the smart Home automation. Not all models of PC speakers are compatible with Google Smart Home automation. You should need the Bluetooth speaker of any brand to automate the smart devices using the speaker. First, connect the Bluetooth speaker to the Pc and smart Home device. Then, using the code words “Ok Google” command the routine like “ok Google Turn On Lights”. That’s it. Therefore, you can’t connect the wired speaker for Smart Home automation using a PC. Instead wired speaker, use the wireless speaker with a Bluetooth connection to use a PC speaker for Smart Home Automation.

Also, read How to use Google Home with Gemini?

What to do with Google Home on PC?

Once you connect the Google Home for PC – You can navigate and automate the smart home accessories with the web home app. In addition, you will be able to enhance your experience and do a lot more on the Big Screens.

1. Watch Live video:

You can view and control multiple cameras at once by using the web home app. Once, you sign in with your account credentials, you will get all the camera list according to the room. And you will get;

  • The name and location.
  • The status of the battery.
  • You can turn ON/OFF the live videos
  • You can also turn the smart cameras ON/OFF.

2. Check the status of the specific camera using the web Google Home for PC

You can use these features if you want to check the status of the particular camera on the PC. Apart from the chosen camera, other cameras will be shown in the list form in a dropdown. So, once you select the specific camera, you can use the different features like checking the status of the battery,

  • You can zoom in and zoom out of the live stream.
  • You can watch the camera and hear the voice of the camera on the Pc.
  • So, you can mute the audio or volume up the audio – the option is available screen of the web home app.
  • Also, you can expand the views as a full view or screen view, picture in picture window, and more.

These are the main details of the specific camera features. Just try it using the Google Web Home app for PC.

3. Control the camera History on the PC:

Yes, you can watch the web Google Home app History on PC of both the camera and Doorbell accessories.   

Here, camera history is nothing but recorded history. Yes, you can view the recorded camera or video history on the Google Web Home app. To get the video history, use the search bar and search for the Particular camera name. That’s it. Web Google Home app will list the camera history automatically on one side and on the other side – the live feed of the particular camera will be on the screen. In addition, you can control the video History on the PC by using the given steps.

  • You can use the Pause button to pause the recorded video.
  • You can use the forward, and reverse buttons.
  • To check the date and time – use the calendar and select the date and time option.

Therefore these are the features that you can use it on recorded video history. Moreover, you will get all the live events in the recorded events. So you can watch past videos as 24/7 video history.

Note: The video history of the smart cameras will be available on the Google Web Home app. But the camera and doorbells should be launched before 2021 or later.

4. Create clips and Download clips on the Google Home app for PC 

Yes, you can create the clips from the pre-recorded camera clips. To get more details- continue this reading! Yeah, to create the clips, you should have the web home app on your PC and Open it.

  • Then, select the specific camera.
  • Select the scene from the camera.
  • Tap the event and it will automatically turn into the clip.
  • Finally, you can save the clip.

The maximum time limit for creating the clip on the web Google Home app is 4.50 seconds to 5 minutes. In, addition, you should have the camera or doorbells – launched in 2021.

Final Words

In my opinion, use the web Home app for smart home automation. And conclude that, this guide has provided everything you need to know about How to use Google Home for PC. Still, facing issues with automation or integrating the process of Google Home for PC, Just refer to the official site or use the comment section. Moreover, for more kinds of stuff related to Google Smart Home – Follow this site.

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